
Top 10 Best Love Story Manga

The romance genre is undoubtedly one of the most impactful ones in pop culture, and it has given the globe some of the most heartbreaking, moving, and unforgettable stories. With the maturation of anime as an art course, shows dealing with the complexities of love accept become mutual, and there is no dearth of smashing romantic serial to cull from. If you, too, find yourself facing a similar dilemma and wish to watch good honey stories with well-developed characters that are worth your fourth dimension, and so allow the states to be your guide. Hither'south some of the all-time romantic anime e'er made. You can watch some of these shows/films on Hulu, Netflix, Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Amazon Prime. Nosotros have provided a link at the end of each recommendation.

25. Kimi no Na wa (2016)

'Kimi no Na wa' revolves around two teenagers named Mitsuha Miyamizu and Taki Tachibana. Mitsuha lives in the countryside and is no longer interested in staying there as she dreams of living in Japan's humming capital letter, Tokyo. Meanwhile, Taki Tachibana lives in Tokyo and is disillusioned with city life. He is kind-hearted simply does not take enough patience and can sometimes go really stubborn. He is pretty busy balancing his part-time job and his schoolhouse life. 1 ordinary mean solar day Mitsuha and Taki wake up to detect that they have switched places. However, it is not just a location swap, every bit they have substantially switched bodies. As they try to return to their existent home, it marks the first of a strange journey that makes them somewhen autumn in love with each other. You tin can picket the film here.

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24. Bakemonogatari (2009)

'Bakemonogatari' follows Koyomi Aragi, a 3rd-year high school educatee who has superhuman abilities that include fast healing and the power to run across in the nighttime. These powers are remnants of the vampiric capabilities that he had got after being attacked by a vampire. He was saved by a man named Meme Oshino, who protected him from vampirism and helped him alive a normal life. Aragi is a laid-dorsum teenager who unremarkably struggles with studies, but he is good at maths. He is a noble person and is always willing to put his life on the line to save others. One day his classmate Hitagi Senjougahara falls down the stairs just to exist caught by him. Aragi realizes that Hitagi is abnormally weightless. He understands that in that location might be something supernatural going on and offers to assistance her. As the evidence progresses, we meet Aragi help other people with their supernatural problems and fall in love. The evidence is attainable on Funimation.

23. Clannad (2007)

'Clannad' is romantic anime that is based on the theme of cocky-realization. The show centers upon Tomoya Okazaki, a teenager who feels boring and dull. He has given up on his life and has made peace with the fact that he volition never accomplish annihilation. Along with ane of his closest friends, Youhei Sunohara, Okazaki skips classes and wastes his time. Ane day he encounters a girl named Nagisa Furukawa. She seems to be muttering something to herself and suddenly exclaims 'Anpan!' which catches Okazaki by surprise. Nagisa and then claims that they are friends even though Okazaki ignores her. Only equally the series progresses, he gets more than and more fastened to Nagisa and learns that she has been held dorsum a yr because of her illness. Nagisa dreams of reviving the drama club. Okazaki finally decides to go her friend and help her fulfill her dream, which unexpectedly helps him acquire more about himself. The anime is available on Hulu.

22. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (2012)

'Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo' revolves around Sorata Kanda, a skillful-natured and kind-hearted boy. And then when he finds abandoned kittens, he cannot let them go until he can observe a suitable possessor for them. Only since his dorm does not allow pets, he realizes that he will have to move to Sakura Hall, which is a dormitory filled with eccentric individuals. While at that place, he needs to detect owners for the cats and so that he can movement back to his own dorm. Only during his stay with the strangers at that place, he gets to know more virtually the other members of the dorm and grows close to them. The show is available hither.

21. Ouran Koukou Host Club (2006)

If you like watching anime with a cantankerous-dressing protagonist, then there's a expert take chances that you might discover 'Ouran Koukou Host Order' quite entertaining. Ouran High School is a place for society's elite and rarely houses commoners. Haruhi Fujioka is an intelligent daughter who is naturally quite good at academics and gets a scholarship to written report at a prestigious school. Being a commoner, she is one of the few students who actually indulges in studies. One solar day while Haruhi is finding a quiet room to study, she unexpectedly ends up in the music room. There she meets the members of the renowned club, who like to entertain the cute girls of the academy. As Haruhi tries to get out the room, she accidentally breaks a plush vase. Thus, to repay for it, she starts working for the club, running errands for them. But due to her masculine advent and favorable attitude towards girls, she is promoted to go a host and eventually starts cantankerous-dressing to entertain the girls. You can stream the show here.

xx. Howl no Ugoku Shiro (2004)

'Howl no Ugoku Shiro' is a heartwarming romantic movie that revolves effectually Sophie, a elementary village girl. Her father works as a hat maker in the boondocks. One day she gets involved in an incident but is saved by a handsome magician by the proper name of Howl. This enrages the Witch of the Waste, who turns Sophie into an older woman by using a curse. Embarrassed to render home, she decides to observe Howl and ask for assist. Luckily, a scarecrow helps her and takes Sophie to the moving castle, which is the dwelling house of Howl. At that place she meets Calcifier, a burn down demon, who promises to assistance Sophie if she can free him from the handsome wizard. Sophie starts working as a cleaning lady in the castle, trying to detect a manner to gratis Calcifier, which marks the start of an emotional story that could grip anyone's attention. The film is accessible for streaming hither.

19. Kimi ni Todoke (2009)

'Kimi ni Todoke' is a refreshing love story that breaks several shoujo romance anime stereotypes. The anime follows Kuronuma Sawako, a nice high schooler who is sugariness and uncomplicated just is often misunderstood by her peers. The staple reason for this misunderstanding is Sawako's advent which greatly resembles the ghost girl from the horror movie 'The Ring.' This has earned her the nickname of Sadako from her peers. Only Sawako wants to be a normal daughter and have a close friend. She finds herself drawn to Kazehaya Souta, who is the most pop guy in the class. One day Kazehaya starts speaking to her. This makes Sawako very happy and gives her the false promise of having a nice friend and, if possible, a romantic relationship likewise. But will her story transpire every bit she imagines? Yous can picket the show hither.

xviii. ReLIFE (2016)

'ReLIFE' is a slice of life romantic anime that follows Arata Kaizaki, a 27-year-old man who does non have any real goal in his life. People effectually him have labeled him a loser, and he doesn't practice annihilation to make them question their cruel judgments. He lives his life bouncing from one job to another. One twenty-four hours Arata meets a girl by the proper name of Ryou Yoake. She says that if he takes the pill she is offering, he volition take an opportunity to plough his life around. Arata doesn't requite it much of a idea and takes the pill. The next day when he wakes up, he finds that he has become 17 once more. It turns out that Ryou was working for a medical firm by the name of ReLIFE Constitute. Arata is now a exam subject field for their new drug. To bear on the tests for the drugs, he needs to attend high school every bit a transfer student for one twelvemonth.

Ryou is as well a student at the school and is meant to keep a close watch on him. Though Arata thinks that his superior x years of experience will make things quite easy for him, he learns the difficult style that reality is quite far from that. Everything has changed over the past ten years. Now, he needs to avoid making the aforementioned mistakes he fabricated when he was a educatee. You can sentinel the bear witness here.

17. Koe no Katachi (2016)

Shouya Ishida used to be a troublemaker as he never cared for anyone'southward feelings equally long every bit he and his peers were entertained. Then, when Shouko Nishimiya, a deaf transfer student, get enrolled in Ishida'south schoolhouse, he leaves no stoned unturned to great her just for a few express mirth. When her mother eventually complains to the school government, everybody, including his closest friends, blames Ishida. Nishimiya transfers to a different schoolhouse, and Ishida is singled out and left alone equally no one talks to him post-obit the incident. While in the third year of high schoolhouse, Ishida regrets his actions and decides to make apology by meeting Nishimiya and becoming her friend, unbeknownst to the surprises that are awaiting him once he chooses that path. 'Koe no Katachi' is accessible for streaming here.

16. Hotarubi no Mori e (2011)

Whenever anyone asks me which anime moving picture to watch, 'Hotarubi no Mori eastward' is one of the offset names that come to my mind. The flick follows Hotaru, a six-year-sometime daughter who is intrigued by the stories of mountain spirits. While visiting her uncle during summer vacations, she decides to go to the mountain forest. However, she gets lost and is helped by a man-like spirit named Gin, who wears a mask. Despite Gin asking her not to come up back, Hotaru returns each of the remaining days of her summer vacation and promises to pay him a visit next summer also.

As fourth dimension passes, Hotaru grows and matures, simply Gin remains the same. A budding romance develops between the two. Gin wants to touch and feel Hotaru, but there'south ane problem. If Gin is ever touched by a human, he will disappear. With the strange conditions in identify, will the unlikely romance between the two always work out?

15. Toradora! (2008)

Based on Yuyuko Takemiya'southward light novel serial of the same proper name, 'Toradora!' is a romantic one-act anime. The show follows Ryuuji Takasu, an oftentimes misunderstood second-year loftier schooler who wants to go close to his crush Minori. While he tries to impress her, he unexpectedly crosses paths with Taiga, a seemingly sweet daughter on the surface merely hot-tempered from the inside, who can get really mad for the smallest reasons. She eventually agrees to help Ryuuji if he helps her with her crush. Simply every bit their attempts to help one another fail one after the other, the duo eventually starts developing feelings for one another. The anime is bachelor on Crunchyroll.

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xiv. Kaichō wa Meido-same! (2010)

'Kaichō wa Meido-same!' is a romantic anime that focuses on the educatee council president Misaki who is trying to maintain order in the school and preclude issues from happening. She has a tough task to exercise since the schoolhouse had recently go coed. Although she tries to act tough, deep downwardly, she harbors a deep secret. Misaki works every bit a maid in a café to support her family but everything changes when a male child named Takumi finds out about it. Volition he utilize this secret to mock her? Is he here to brand her life heaven or hell? Y'all can stream the anime on Hulu.

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13. Shōjo Kakumei Utena (1997)

Utena Tenjou wants to get a prince. This strange desire had been harboring within her since she was consoled by some prince afterwards her parent'southward death. He had left her a ring a long fourth dimension ago when they first met. Years later on, she finds herself in a school where other students with similar rings fight to get the Rose Bride, Anthy, and her magical powers. Utena not merely participates but likewise wins and gets Anthy which marks the beginning of her journey of romance and darkness. In case you wish to learn how the story unfolds, yous tin watch 'Shōjo Kakumei Utena' here.

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12. Doukyuusei (2016)

'Doukyuusei' recounts the emotional love story of 2 boys. Rhito Sajou would have never met Hikaru Kusakabe, simply fate pulls them together. The boys are completely different from one another. While Hikaru is a guitarist in a pop ring and Rhito is a studious A-level student. While their paths should take never crossed but when the former has to teach the latter to play the chorus, the two suddenly find a strange attraction towards ane another. Slowly they start meeting more frequently, and earlier anyone knows it, they fall in love. You tin can stream the anime hither.

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xi. Rabu★Kon (2007)

'Rabu★Kon' or 'Love Com' is a romantic-drama anime based on Aya Nakahara'south manga serial. The story follows the life of Atsushi Ōtani, a brusk-statured boy, and his tall classmate Risa Koizumi. When a handsome educatee from another course shows up and catches Rias'southward eye, she can't assist but get attracted to him. Meanwhile, Atsushi has his eyes on another daughter. The duo decides to help each other with their love life, only they themselves develop feelings for one another. Aware of the societal pressure, tin the duo confess their love for i another?

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ten. Ore Monogatari! (2015)

'Ore Monogatari!' follows Takeo Goda, a big muscular student whose crushes end upward falling for the mannerly Makoto, his best friend. But his lonely life is complicated when Rinko, the girl he saves, ends up falling in love with him. Conflicted by his complex love life, can Takeo ever find peace of mind and the stable relationship that he deserves? All episodes are accessible for streaming here.

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9. Orange (2016)

'Orange' follows the life of Naho Takamiya, a loftier schoolhouse student. One day she receives a letter, and it turns out that they are sent to her by her future self. The letter details her regrets and mistakes in life and what she needs to practice to ensure that she does not repeat them. The story is beautifully written, and the anime brings the character to life by touching upon complex emotional and mature topics. If you wish to learn how Naho'south story unfolds, then you can lookout man the anime here.

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viii. Butūmu! (2012)

'Butūmu!' is an action/romance anime that revolves around Ryouta Sakamoto, a clueless gamer who gets trapped in a real-life version of a game he plays. Now, he has to kill the other participants to win a token of victory in the form of a green crystal if he wants to render abode and alive an ordinary life. Luckily, he has his in-game wife Himiko by his side, who helps him through the thick and thin. The two start getting really close to each other while trying to survive this life and decease game. The anime is available on Crunchyroll.

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vii. Ai Yori Aoshi (2002)

Kaoru Hanabishi meets a girl at the station. When he realizes that she is confused, Kaoru decides to assist her notice her destination. Equally they continue searching for the girl's destination, Kaoru discovers that they are walking in his own neighborhood. Later it turns out that at that place was an empty space where the daughter was supposed to become to. Kaoru invites her to his house to solve the mystery and shortly realizes that this girl is his babyhood friend and fiancée. Perplexed by the sudden revelation, Kaoru must come to terms with his responsibilities and unravel the mysteries that surround their strange and confusing coming together. You can stream it here.

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6. Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō (1998)

'Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō' follows the life of two people, Miyazawa and Arima. At school, Miyazawa is the perfect student, polite and nice, who is always in everyone'south good books. But on the inside, she is arrogant and would do anything to be the all-time. Enter Arima, a boy who suddenly challenges her academically and forces her to take him seriously. This pisses off Miyazawa. To add to her trouble Arima finds out her façade and uses her to get his work washed. But slowly, things take a surprising plow when it is revealed that Arima loves Miyazawa.

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v. Chobits (2002)

'Chobits' is technically based on the interesting and thought-provoking question- 'Can Humans fall in Love with A.I.?' Hideki Motosuwa is a student who finds an abased Persocom, computers which look like humans. Information technology turns out this is a lacking piece that can only say the give-and-take Chii and cannot download information. Then, Hideki decides to teach her the ways of the globe himself while trying to find out the truth about 'Chii.' You tin can watch the series here.

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4. Truthful Tears (2008)

Imagine living in the same house as your crush only cannot brand a move since she is cold towards y'all. This is what happens to Shinichiro, who cannot empathize how to help Hiromi move on from her tragic childhood when she lost her parents. In addition to this, an eccentric girl named Noe from schoolhouse takes an involvement in him while his parents desire him to take dancing lessons which he is not interested in. He needs to manage all this while trying to open up Hiromi. In case the premise sounds interesting, you can watch 'Truthful Tears' on Amazon's official website.

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three. Fruits Basket (2019 – 2021)

'Furūtsu Basuketto' or 'Fruits Basket' is a romantic anime based on Natsuki Takaya's manga serial of the same name. The story follows the life of Tohru, who finds herself homeless after the death of her mother. She receives shelter from a classmate Yuki. She before long finds out that Yuki's family is cursed, and the members plow into Chinese zodiac animals when hugged by the contrary sex. Natsuki promises to go on it a cloak-and-dagger and continues living inside the firm, soon finding herself falling in love with Yuki. You can watch the anime here.

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2. anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day (2011)

'anohana: The Blossom We Saw That Day' is a great coming-of-age story. The show follows Jinta, a social recluse who has liked to live lonely ever since his friends drifted apart following the death of their friend Meiko. One mean solar day Jinta sees the ghost of Meiko, who says she cannot pass to the next world since one of her wishes is left unfulfilled. The story then follows Jinta reviving their old group back in guild to fulfill Meiko'due south wish so that she tin finally notice peace. The anime is accessible for streaming on Funimation.

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i. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (2014)

Death frequently has a life-irresolute impact on people who get to feel it from close quarters. It inevitably brings gloom and sadness. If it is a loved one who dies, so it seems like the world has come up to an end. A like misfortune happens to the genius pianist Kousei Arima when his mother dies. He feels sad and cannot play the pianoforte. Depression takes over him, and two years laissez passer without him hitting a unmarried chord. Fate starts taking a plough when he meets violinist Kaori, who helps him motility on and get back into music. But unbeknownst to him, she is also keeping a dark clandestine from him, which can potentially push him over the edge and take his own life. Tin Kousei heal from the trauma of losing his loved ones and find an optimistic outlook on life? You can watch the anime on Hulu.

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